Coach Lee Man-soo’s heart-breaking advice: “You need to sharpen your baseball skills even more when you are at your best.

“We must not forget that if we still teach young players with old ideas, they will continue to regress.”

On the 2nd, there was one more person who watched the Korean baseball team lose 0-4 to Taiwan. This is Hulk Foundation Chairman Lee Man-soo, who participated as the Laos general staff. Chairman Man-soo Lee is a legend who has already achieved everything he could as a player in Korea and has reached the peak as both a player and a leader, including winning the World Series as a paid coach in the major leagues. The legend gave a warning to the national team after the match against Taiwan. Although it is quite painful, it is a story that must be remembered. 바카라사이트닷컴

Chairman Lee Man-soo pointed out, “From now on, we all need to wake up and start over again. Only then can Korean baseball confidently compete shoulder to shoulder with world players and play and compete on equal footing with them.” .

Meanwhile, “Korean baseball played on an equal footing with the Japanese team until 10 years ago. Now, 10 years later, no one can deny that it is not an equal game, but a huge difference. We should not have our own league. “Now, we need to open our eyes a little more and understand the trends of the world before playing baseball,” he said, giving close-knit advice to leaders and baseball officials. It has become clear that in order to follow the global baseball trend, deep reflection is needed not only by the coaches and players on the field, but also by the front office, KBO, and Korea Baseball Softball Association, which manage them and lead the entire professional baseball industry. Otherwise, he warned, the KBO League will forever be ‘our own league’.

Chairman Lee Man-soo points out that leaders must first wake up and understand the current situation calmly. “You should not only think about the past, but also think that you must change first for the sake of your juniors. Although the Japanese national team is a professional baseball team, all of the players are not much different from professional baseball players and have sophisticated, cool plays and strong skills. “I took a swing. What I envy the most about the Japanese national team’s play is their agile and smooth defense. Watching the Japanese players handle is truly fantastic,” he said.

In particular, Chairman Lee Man-soo advises that we must clearly understand that the environment in which baseball can be played is different from before. Chairman Lee Man-soo said, “Back in the day when I was a player, the ground was not in that good condition, and when I was a student, most of the ground was made of ground rather than artificial turf. So, in the old days of middle school, high school, college, and until the early days of professional baseball, the ground conditions were good. “Because of this, the ax striking method swept the country like a trend,” he recalled. But all of this is also an old story.

Now, as time has passed, each club has a well-maintained ground and artificial turf, and even though it is made of land, the highest quality soil has been imported from the United States and installed for each club to ensure that there are no bounce misses. Nowadays, many schools, including high schools and middle schools, have the highest quality artificial turf. Chairman Man-soo Lee once again warned that if many leaders become complacent and stick to the old ways despite having such cutting-edge technology, there will be no future for baseball in our country.

Chairman Mansoo Lee’s loving advice does not stop here. “Another thing that is unfortunate as a senior baseball player is that the complacent idea that all you have to do is be good at baseball is too widespread among young players. What on earth are you doing if you are good at baseball? We must never forget that baseball is also a member of society. Why celebrities? Do you like people and sports figures? Because they are the object of envy among the public. If so, they should also have a sense of responsibility towards the public and behave properly. Children develop their dreams by watching the lives of celebrities and sports figures. “We must never forget that this exists. We must never forget that one person’s mistake can cause great harm and great repercussions to the growing youth,” he said, adding that you cannot become a well-rounded person if you settle for your current popularity. emphasized again.

Lastly, Chairman Lee Man-soo said, “NC’s Eric Peddy also performed well as a pitcher in the major league and achieved good results, but he was pushed out by better pitchers and ended up coming to Korea. Baseball is something he is better at than anyone else. In order not to fall behind any more, I learned how to pitch by watching pitcher Ohtani sit in front of the TV for hours a day. The country in the world that has the most pride in baseball is the United States. Eric played in the major league, which is said to be the best. “If Peddy pitcher learned and studied to get better, we should do the same,” he said, emphasizing the need to sharpen oneself even more when baseball is going best.

Park Chan-ho, who saw the Hangzhou disaster in person as a KBS commentator, and Chairman Lee Man-soo, who watched his country’s game as a member of the Laos national team, ultimately felt the same way. Ultimately, what these two legends say is the same. This is advice that anyone working in the KBO league should take to heart. It’s bitter, but you have to accept it.

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